"Vi" og "de": nogle kritiske analyser af forholdene mellem "os" og forskellige Andre som de skildres i Fjorten danske science fiction-noveller
Summary, in English
People has always had a tendency to pigeonhole their fellow human beings into "we" and "they". "They", or the Other, could fx consist of colored, women, homosexuals or Jews. Those Others have then been disregarded, exploited or otherwise been treated badly. This can also be seen in literature, where science fiction (SF) constitutes no exception. Within the realm of the SF genre, additional Others appear, which do not exist in our world or in the realistic literature, like aliens and robots. This work investigates the relation to, and the view of, Others - especially the non-realistic ones - in some danish SF stories. The results of the investigation were that some Others were viewed with fear and some rather neutrally, but only very few with disregard. On the other hand, did women, who never explicitly were the Other, only have second-rate roles in almost all of the stories. Also, a distinct "we" and "they" division in the story, correlated with an articulated social criticism.
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Student publication for Bachelor's degree
- Languages and Literatures
- Science fiction
- "vi" og "de"
- Robert Zola Christensen (vikarierande lektor)