Heme - Improving the Menstrual Disc
Summary, in English
For this 15 credits bachelor project in industrial design I focused on menstruation, a biological function that occurs to half of the population. I explored the disposable and reusable period care products on the mar- ket today and how many products an average menstruating person will consume and their environmental impact. This led me to the idea of de- signing an internal reusable period care product. My brief for this pro- ject was to improve the silicone menstrual disc. Based on a survey of people’s menstrual habits and choices I wanted to create a menstrual disc that was had improved features compared to existing reusable men- strual discs and menstrual cups. Throughout this project I learned how to cast silicone in 3D printed molds to make my prototypes. Besides the menstrual disc itself a storage container was also designed. The end re- sult of this project is my silicone menstrual disc Heme and its ceramic container that can be used for both storage and sterilizing.
Publishing year
Diploma work
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Document type
Student publication for Bachelor's degree
- Arts and Architecture
- Technology and Engineering
Report number
ISRN: LUT-DVIDE/ EX--18/50432-SE
- Anna Persson
- Jasjit Singh
- Charlotte Sjödell
- Claus-Christian Eckhardt