Ellas se los tienen que decir. Yo- Voces que socavan políticas del nombrar dominantes en la poesía de Cristina Peri Rossi, Julia Álvarez y Ana Arzoumanian
Summary, in English
This thesis explores the name, naming and naming politics in three poetic texts which exhibit a concern with the normative force of language: Cristina Peri Rossi’s Evohé (1971), Julia Álvarez’ The Other Side/El otro lado (1995) and Ana Arzoumanian’s (2006) Juana I. In Evohé the woman-body and the woman-word collide and penetrate each other; in The Other Side/ El otro lado the English code conflicts with Spanish from infancy and the rhythm of the body; and in Juana I the speech of reason of the Spanish Empire and the Catholic church clashes with the speech of insanity and Juana I’s body language. To carry out such an exploration an interdisciplinary theoretical frame has been designed, which unravels the ties between naming and norming from several fields of study crossed by a post-colonial perspective. The poetic texts are approached from thematic areas designed in accordance with the theoretical guidelines. In the analysis I study the speaking poetic voices’ metamorphoses and transvestisms, the invocation of other voices to speak and the forked and antiphonic languages which name in the three poetic texts. I also analyze the strategies used to contest the biblical and religious word; the manner in which dominant politics of naming oppress, control and conceal; the schemes used to dispute such politics and the role of poetry as a tool to shatter and boycott these oppressive discourses. Particularly, certain tools in poetic discourse, such as chiasm, free association, bilingual linguistic games, mantric repetitions and rhythm, bring about transformations in the poetic voices, and allow them to configurate resistance-naming practices, such as renaming, redefining, counter-naming, denaming, ambiguating and anonimizing. Such practices undermine oppressive naming politics in religious, colonialist-imperialist, classist and patriarchal discourses.
- Master's Programme: Literature - Culture - Media
- Spanish Studies
Publishing year
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Document type
Student publication for Master's degree (two years)
- Languages and Literatures
- voices
- Juana I/Ana Arzoumanian.
- languages
- naming politics
- Juana I/Ana Arzoumanian. contemporary poetry
- The Other Side/ El otro lado/Julia Álvarez
- voces
- Evohé/Cristina Peri Rossi
- lenguajes
- políticas del nombrar
- poesía contemporánea
- Christian Claesson (Ph.D.)