Practical information for ceremony participants
The invitation is sent out to all those who have publicly defended their thesis or will be defending it since the last degree conferment ceremony. The invitation is sent by post in early March to the addresses registered with the faculties.
The doctoral degree conferment ceremony traditionally takes place on the last Friday in May, with a compulsory rehearsal on the preceding afternoon. In order to take part in the ceremony, doctoral students must normally have publicly defended their theses no later than the Tuesday in the week of the degree conferment ceremony.
All those who have publicly defended a doctoral thesis and passed all required courses in the past year are welcome to take part in the ceremony. Invitations are automatically sent out to those who have publicly defended their thesis since the previous year’s degree conferment ceremony.
Doctor's hat
All doctors and Doctors of Philosophy in Business and Economics at the
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Theology and
- School of Economics and Management
taking part in the ceremony must have a doctor's hat. Many choose to borrow the hat from their supervisor or from a colleague; otherwise it can be ordered from a hatter such as Torbjörn Petersson, 0704-83 76 15, in good time. The Ceremonies and Events Office has no hats available for loan.
Doctoral graduands from the Faculty of Engineering can order their hat buckle from goldsmith Ingrid Trilk:
Ingrid Trilk's website (in Swedish)
All hats must be delivered to the Main University Building at the time specified in the invitation prior to the graduation ceremony.
Laurel wreath
The laurel wreath is compulsory for all doctors and Doctors of Philosophy at the
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Social Sciences and
- School of Economics and Management.
The laurel wreath is made of leaves from the bay laurel tree. The University's laurel leaves come from Italy.
You can order your laurel wreath from Söderblommor, Södra Förstadsgatan 19, Malmö.
The wreath-maker will be available to take head measurements and record orders in Lund on 9 April 16:00–18:00 in the Main University Building, Paradisgatan 2, Lund.
If you are unable to visit the wreath-maker in person, you can email your order to info [at] soderblommor [dot] se (info[at]soderblommor[dot]se). In that case, please include your head measurements in the order.
The head circumference must be measured from 'the hairline on the forehead around to the hairline at the nape of the neck'. Thus, your wreath measurement is usually not identical to your hat size.
State your name and faculty in your order. Please note that the laurel wreath must be paid for at the time of ordering (SEK 850), Swish 123 229 44 03.
The deadline for wreath orders is 6 May.
Doctor's ring
All doctoral graduands who choose to participate in the degree conferment ceremony must have a ring. Ordering a doctor's ring is optional; any ring of your choice may be used for the ceremony. All rings must be delivered to the Main University Building at the time specified in the invitation prior to the degree ceremony.
The official doctor's rings for doctoral graduands at the
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Theology and
- School of Economics and Management
can be ordered from the University’s procured goldsmith, Ingrid Trilk.
Ingrid Trilk's website (in Swedish)
Contact the Office of Special Events and Protocol to order the official doctor's ring for the Faculty of Engineering at overmarskalk [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (overmarskalk[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se).
The deadline for ring orders is 4 May.
All participants in the degree conferment ceremony receive a calligraphed doctoral diploma, provided by the University. The diploma is not a degree certificate and does not replace the proof of completion of a doctoral degree to be obtained from the faculty for the purposes of job applications, etc.
Attire, ceremony
Academic formal wear for those taking part in the procession; tailcoat with black waistcoat and white tie or full length black dress with covered shoulders, or a long skirt and jacket. White gloves are only worn by marshals. For guests in the cathedral who are not part of the procession: business attire. There is no dress code for the ceremony rehearsal.
Graduands with daughters between the ages of 5 and 7 can put their names forward as possible wreath-bearers. There are many applicants for the role so precedence is given to the daughters from the wreath-wearing faculties, i.e. those historically included in the Faculty of Philosophy (Humanities, Social Sciences, Economics and Science). Nine wreath-bearers (representing the nine muses) are chosen from among the applicants. Lots are drawn if there are more applicants than places.
A degree conferment ceremony fee of SEK 250 is payable by those wishing to participate in the ceremony.
Photography and filming
The degree conferment ceremony is recorded on film and in photographs by a specially appointed photographer. The images and film material will be available for download after the event.
Graduands are guaranteed four tickets to the ceremony in the cathedral and one for a guest accompanying them to the dinner. If more tickets are requested, the Ceremonies and Events Office will do its best to accommodate everyone’s wishes. Tickets are to be ordered by graduands at the time of registration.
Young children should not be brought into the cathedral; there have been strong complaints from the audience at previous ceremonies about children disrupting the event.
Degree conferment ceremonial dinner
All participants are invited to the dinner; the current year’s doctoral graduates are guaranteed a place for one guest each. The dinner takes place at the Academic Society with guests gathering for a drink at 18:30 and sitting down for dinner at 19:00. The dinner is followed by dancing to a big band orchestra. As a doctoral graduand, you are an invited guest to the doctoral degree conferment dinner. The cost of the dinner for an accompanying guest is SEK 650.
Attire for the ceremonial dinner
Formal wear, tailcoat with white waistcoat and white tie or long dress.
Contact information
Carin Brenner
Chief of Protocol
Charlotta Sokulski Bateld
Deputy Chief of Protocol
Annica Blomberg
Deputy Chief of Protocol
overmarskalk [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (overmarskalk[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46(0)46 222 7006
Visiting address
Stora Algatan 4, Lund
Postal address
Chief of Protocol
Lund University
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Invoicing address
Chief of Protocol
Lund University
Box 188, 221 00 Lund
Upcoming doctoral conferment ceremonies
- 23 May 2025
- 29 May 2026