Sustainability education at Lund University

We aim to provide all of our students with perspectives on sustainability that are relevant to their subject. Solving sustainability crises requires a variety of perspectives, and we believe that each academic field has a crucial role to play.
As Sweden's most comprehensive university, we offer a diverse education in sustainability, covering different aspects. Many of our courses are part of structured degree programmes, but our students can also take stand-alone courses or design their own programme.
All our regular courses and programmes use ECTS credits, with 1.5 credits corresponding to one week of full-time study.
Note that the course and programme links on this page may take you to content on webpages outside this website (, e.g. the Swedish counterpart of this website – – faculty and department websites, and joint programme websites. The linked content may be in English or Swedish.
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Contact information
Ann Åkerman
Coordinator at Lund University Sustainability Forum
ann [dot] akerman [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (ann[dot]akerman[at]lucsus[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: +46 (0)46 222 80 81
Featured courses
The courses below cover a wide range of subjects and interests. As most of our courses are interdisciplinary and multi-faceted, they could effectively fit into different categories.
Economics, law and leadership
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) offers the popular and highly acclaimed Greening the Economy series of seven courses:
- Circular Economy: Sustainable Materials Management
- Cities, Climate and Change: Pathways and Opportunities
- Cities and Consumption: Urban Sustainability and the Sharing Economy
- Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia
- Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities
- Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability and Innovations
- Urban Climate Governance: Towards 1.5° Celsius Alignment
About the Greening the Economy MOOCs –
Another of our MOOCs introduces key terms and concepts in sustainability science that are relevant to everyone, regardless of their work or field of interest:
Working for a sustainable future: concepts and approaches –
Note that MOOCs cannot be included in a formal degree at Lund University.
Our courses and programmes are categorised below according to their focus on environmental or societal impacts. However, many cover both dimensions.
Offerings focused on environmental impact
Our programmes and courses with a particular focus on environmental impact are listed below.
Degree programmes, environmental impact
All programmes listed below lead to a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS), a Master's degree (120 ECTS) or a professional degree (300 ECTS).
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ECTS)
- Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
- Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design
- Sustainable Energy Engineering
- Sustainable Urban Design
- Water Resources Engineering
Bachelor's programmes taught in Swedish (3 years, 180 ECTS)
- Byggteknik med arkitektur | Högskoleingenjör
- Byggteknik – järnvägsteknik | Högskoleingenjör
- Byggteknik – väg- och trafikteknik | Högskoleingenjör
- Datateknik | Högskoleingenjör
- Elektroteknik med automation | Högskoleingenjör
- Industridesign
- Livsmedelsteknik
Professional degrees taught in Swedish (5 years, 300 ECTS)
- Arkitektutbildning
- Bioteknik | Civilingenjör
- Brandteknik | Civilingenjör
- Datateknik | Civilingenjör
- Ekosystemteknik | Civilingenjör
- Elektroteknik | Civilingenjör
- Industriell ekonomi | Civilingenjör
- Informations- och kommunikationsteknik | Civilingenjör
- Kemiteknik | Civilingenjör
- Lantmäteri | Civilingenjör
- Maskinteknik | Civilingenjör
- Maskinteknik – teknisk design | Civilingenjör
- Medicin och teknik | Civilingenjör
- Riskhantering | Civilingenjör
- Risk, säkerhet och krishantering | Civilingenjör
- Teknisk fysik | Civilingenjör
- Teknisk matematik | Civilingenjör
- Teknisk nanovetenskap | Civilingenjör
- Väg- och vattenbyggnad | Civilingenjör
Bachelor's programmes taught in Swedish (3 years, 180 ECTS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ECTS)
Bachelor's programmes taught in English (3 years, 180 ECTS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ECTS)
Bachelor's programmes taught in English (3 years, 180 ECTS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ECTS)
- Applied Computational Science, Environmental Science
- Biology, Aquatic Ecology
- Biology, Conservation Biology
- Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (joint programme)
- Geographical Information Systems
- Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (joint programme)
- Geology
- Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, General
Bachelor's programmes taught in Swedish (3 years, 180 ECTS)
- Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Miljö- och hälsoskydd
- Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Miljövetenskap
Master's programmes taught in Swedish (2 years, 120 ECTS)
Courses, environmental impact
The courses listed below range from 4 to 15 ECTS credits. Some may require specific prior knowledge.
Courses taught in English
- Environmental Issues
- Environmental Issues, Project Course
- Environmental System Studies: Climate, Science and Politics
Courses taught in Swedish
- Avfallshantering och resurshushållning
- En cirkulär byggindustri – Introduktion
- Energisystemanalys: energi, miljö och naturresurser
- Energisystemanalys: Förnybara energikällor
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Hållbarhet och resursanvändning med perspektiv på informations- och kommunikationsteknik
- Hållbar utveckling
- Hållbar utveckling med brandingenjörsperspektiv
- Hållbar utveckling med elektrotekniskt perspektiv
- Metoder för användarmedverkan i designprocesser
- Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning
- Miljökunskap och vägbyggnad
- Miljösystemanalys och hållbar utveckling
- Miljösystemanalys: Management för hållbar utveckling
- Miljösystemanalys, livscykelanalys
- Miljö och management
- Miljövetenskap
- Miljövetenskap med miljökemisk profil
Courses taught in Swedish
Courses taught in English
- Applied Ecotoxicology
- Computational Science: Introduction to Modelling of Climate System
- Conservation Biology
- Ecosystems Analysis
- Ecotoxicology
- Environmental Science: Risk Assessment in Environment and Public Health
- GIS and Biodiversity
- GIS for Built and Natural Environments
- GIS and Climate Change
- Physical Geography: the Climate System
- Physical Geography: An Introduction to the Global Environment
- Quaternary Geology: Global Environmental Change from a Geological Perspective
- Quaternary Geology: Marine Geology and Environmental Change
- Quaternary Geology: Palaeoecological Methods and Environmental Analysis
- Risk Assessment in Environment and Public Health
Courses taught in Swedish
- Berg, jord och vatten i ett miljöperspektiv
- Geologi: Berg, jord och vatten i ett miljöperspektiv | Lunds universitet
- Geologi: Förorenad mark
- Geologi i samhället
- Miljö- och hälsoskydd – metodik och praktik
- Miljövetenskap – analys och metodik
- Miljövetenskap: grundkurs
- Miljövetenskap: Klimatförändringen, vetenskap och samhälle
- Miljövetenskap: Klimatpolitik, samhällsstyrning och kommunikation
- Miljövetenskap: Klimatstrategiska metoder
- Miljörätt för miljövetare
- Miljörätt för naturvetare
- Miljöskydd
- Miljöövervakning
- Mossor, lavar, svampar - biodiversitet och naturvård
- Naturvetenskap: Hållbar utveckling för jorden, livet och miljön
- Naturvård
- Samhällsplanering med klimatperspektiv
- Tillämpad miljövetenskap
Offerings focused on societal impact
Our programmes and courses with a particular focus on societal impact are listed below.
Degree programmes, societal impact
All programmes listed below lead to a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) or a Master's degree (60 or 120 ECTS).
Master's programmes taught in English (1 years, 60 ECTS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ETCS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ETCS)
- Human Rights Studies
- Visual Culture (offered every other year)
Visual Culture, fact sheet (PDF 249 kB, new tab)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ETCS)
Bachelor's programmes taught in English (3 years, 180 ETCS)
Master's programmes taught in English (2 years, 120 ETCS)
- Development Studies, Master's
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science
- Global Studies
- Human Ecology – Culture, Power and Sustainability
- Human Geography
- International Development and Management
- Service Management, Sustainable Service Management
- Social Studies of Gender
A new Master's programme, Climate Change and Society, will start in 2025. More information will be published as it becomes available.
Master's programmes taught in Swedish (2 years, 120 ETCS)
Courses, societal impact
The courses listed below range from 3 to 30 ECTS credits. Some may require specific prior knowledge.
Courses taught in English
- Business Administration: Global Business Responsibility
- Economic History: Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa
- Economics: Health Economics
- Economics: Public Economics and the Welfare State
- Responsible Internationalisation – Organisational Leadership in a Complex Global Environment
- Seeing and Understanding Complexity and Uncertainty
Courses taught in Swedish
- Ekonomisk historia: Hållbar utveckling – debatt, teori och empiri
- Ekonomisk historia: Miljöhistoria ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv
- Ekonomisk historia: Teknologisk och social utveckling – Historiska erfarenheter och framtida utmaningar
- Handelsrätt: Arbetsrätt I
- Handelsrätt: Miljörätt
- Informatik: Digitalisering och AI ur ett organisations- och samhällsperspektiv
- Offentlig upphandling
- Sveriges ekonomiska och sociala historia
Courses taught in English
- Aesthetics of Crisis: Health and Well-being
- China Today – Political Developments, Societal Issues and Global Influences
- Contemporary South-East Asia – Political Developments and Societal Issues
- Critical Animal Studies – Animals in Society, Culture and the Media
- Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine
- Gastronomy: Sustainable Eating
- History of the Holocaust
- Inter-religious Relations: Conflict and Community in the Historical Past and the Lived Present
- Journalistic Tools and Media Ethics – Online Opportunities and Risks in Times of Crisis
- The Meaning of Europe: Culture, Values and Identity
- Media and Communication Studies: Media and Diversity
- Media and Communication Studies: Media, Health and Society
- Media and Communication Studies: Media and Morality
- Media and Communication Studies: Media and Participation
- One World, One Language
- One World, One Morality
- Poetry and Sustainability in English Teaching and Learning
- Social AI Through the Looking Glass
- Social Movements in East and South-East Asia
Courses taught in Swedish
- Biblisk sexualitet: sex, makt och kärlek i antiken
- Digitala kulturer: Teorier – Fördjupning 2, konsumtionspraktiker och kommunikation
- Idé- och lärdomshistoria: Framtidens idéhistoria: Förväntningar, utopier och dystopier i historisk belysning
- Inkluderande utbildning – mångfald rättvisa och stöd till lärande
- Kommunikation, tänkande och etik - kognitiva och kulturella perspektiv
- Modevetenskap: Mode och marknad 2
- Tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap: Etik – avancerad kurs II
Courses taught in English
Courses taught in Swedish
Courses taught in English
- Global Health and Human Rights
- Health Systems in a Global Perspective: Methods and Applications
- Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Global Health
Courses taught in Swedish
- Flerprofessionellt perspektiv på våld i nära relationer med fokus på barn som far illa
- Introduktion till forskning och utvecklingsarbete inom medicinsk vetenskap på avancerad nivå
- Klimakteriet, menopaus och kvinnors hälsa
- Klimat, miljö och hälsa
- Prekonceptionell hälsa och rådgivning
- Åldrande i ett föränderligt samhälle
Courses taught in English
- Agenda 2030 – Knowing, Measuring and Leading
- Climate Change and Society
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Economy and Sustainability
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Methods and Tools – from Knowledge to Action
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Politics of Sustainability
- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Resilience and Sustainable Development
- The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability
- Gender Studies: Gender in a Global World
- Geographies of Sustainability
- Human Ecology: Culture, Economy and Ecology
- Human Ecology: Political Ecology, Crisis and Identity
- Human Geography: The Contemporary Geography of African Development I
- Human Geography: The Contemporary Geography of African Development II
- Human Geography: Landscape and Political Ecology
- Psychology: Psychology and Climate Change
- Sociology: Sociology of Global Development and Sustainability
- Sustainability and Inner Transformation
- Sustainability and Popular Culture
Courses taught in Swedish
- Freds- och konfliktvetenskap: Grundkurs
- Humanekologi: Miljö, kultur och utveckling
- Samhällsgeografi: Ekonomisk geografiska omvandlingsprocesser – platser, människor och produktion
- Samhällsgeografi: Ekonomisk utveckling och planering
- Samhällsgeografi: Hållbara miljöer och planering
- Samhällsgeografi: Risk och kris i planering
- Samhällsgeografi: Social mångfald och planering
- Socialt arbete under katastroftider