Benefits for employees
As an employee at Lund University, you are entitled to the benefits regulated in Swedish law and agreements, as well as the benefits offered by Lund University, reaching well beyond the Swedish standard.
Health and wellbeing
Doctor's appointments and prescriptions
As an employee at Lund University, you can visit your doctor during working hours. In the event of medical treatment, you can receive reimbursement of certain costs from the University. You may also receive reimbursements for prescription medication.
Health promotion benefits
Lund University offers health promotion benefits in the form of the opportunity to exercise during working hours – a maximum of 60 minutes per week for full-time employees. You are also entitled to receive reimbursement of the cost of a gym membership/equivalent up to SEK 1870 per year.
Annual leave and other leave of absence
Leave from work can be granted for many different reasons. Some types of leave are regulated by law, while others are regulated by local collective agreements.
Paid annual leave
Sweden has regulations on annual leave that are among the most generous in the world and offers five weeks of paid leave per year, four of which you are entitled to take as one long holiday (which is very unusual in other countries). At Lund University, we actually top this. We feel that employees have the right to rest after all the hard work they do here. The number of days of your annual leave depends on your age. In general, the following rules apply at Lund University:
- 28 days' annual leave up to and including the year you turn 29
- 31 days' annual leave as of the year you turn 30
- 35 days' annual leave as of the year you turn 40
Parental leave
In Sweden, you are entitled to full parental leave until your child is eighteen months old. You can receive parental benefit to stay at home and take care of your child. Parental benefit, which is paid for a total of 480 days per child, has three different compensation levels. In addition to these Swedish rules, Lund University offers a so-called 'parental benefit supplement' which is paid out for a certain period of time.
Parental leave – Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) website
Other leave of absence
Other, shorter leave of absence situations are regulated through the collective agreement. As an employee at Lund University, you are entitled to take leave without any salary deduction in the following situations:
- when you move house
- when you have a medical appointment
- when you donate blood
- when you experience acute dental problems
- when you graduate or have examinations
- when you study (under specific, rather special conditions)
More than just work...
Lund University is more than just a workplace. We also offer experiences of nature and culture for all ages that our employees can enjoy in their leisure time.
Human resources contacts
Division of Human Resources
webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (webbansvarig[at]hr[dot]lu[dot]se)
Postal address:
Lund University
Box 117
221 00 Lund

Welcome Guide for International Staff
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