Admission information for those affected by the war in Ukraine
The information on this page is intended for people affected by the war in Ukraine who are considering applying to or continuing their studies at Lund University. We have summarised the main points with references to sources where you can find more information.
Applying for studies
Master's and Bachelor's studies
As an applicant from Ukraine, you need to follow Lund University’s regular application procedures for studies. In terms of transfers, Lund University does not have a common process for this. In most cases, you will need to apply to start from the beginning of the programme.
There are two main international application rounds. One is for autumn studies and opens for applications from mid-October to 15 January and one is for spring studies and opens from early June to 15 August. However, please note that there are only a few programmes offered in the spring round.
Visit the links below to find information about when and how to apply for studies at Lund University and what programmes and courses we offer:
If your home university has formally nominated you for exchange studies, please contact your coordinator here at Lund University. If you have not been nominated by your home university, but wish to study a few stand-alone courses, please follow the regular application process for studies.
Please see our general information below about PhD studies and how to apply. We will update the information on our website, should any special arrangements be decided at the national level for PhD candidates coming from Ukraine.
If you are admitted to PhD studies at Lund University, you may apply for validation and transfer of your previous studies.
Although PhD students are normally not considered, we would still like to recommend that you also register at Scholars at Risk. The network Scholars at Risk protects scholars by offering temporary research and teaching positions.
Implications of EU’s Temporary Protection Directive
If you have sought refuge from the conflict in Ukraine or were present in Sweden when the war began, you might be eligible for a temporary protection residence permit in Sweden under the EU's Temporary Protection Directive. Learn more about the Directive on the Swedish Migration Agency's website:
Tuition fees
If you are covered by the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive and have left Ukraine after 30 October 2021 and come to Sweden and get a permit here on the basis of the Directive, you will be exempt from paying tuition fees during this permit period. However, if you are not covered by the Directive, you are normally required to pay tuition fees as a non-EU/EEA student.
If you will be receiving your temporary Swedish residence permit based on the Directive after the tuition fee payment deadline, you need to apply for an extended payment deadline in order to not lose your place on the programme. This will give you time to prove your tuition fee exemption once you receive your temporary residence permit.
The conditions are that students who are 1) admitted to Lund University 2) will start their studies by the semester as stated in the notification of selection results 3) and who will apply for a residence permit in Sweden based on the EU Temporary Protection Directive, are eligible to apply for an extension of the payment deadline.
Please note that you must actively apply for this extension and that the application must reach Lund University before the tuition fee deadline. Contact the Tuition Fee Office for more information and to receive the application form: tuitionfees [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (tuitionfees[at]eken[dot]lu[dot]se).
There are currently no specific scholarships for students affected by the war in Ukraine. Should this change, any new information will be posted on the page below. We will also contact admitted students with any updates.
Scholarships and awards for students applying to Lund University
If you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact our regional coordinator Daniel Gunnarsson, daniel [dot] gunnarsson [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (daniel[dot]gunnarsson[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se).
Migration information from the Swedish Migration Agency
Learn what applies if you are coming to Sweden under the protection of the Temporary Protection Directive –
Ukrainian citizen looking to study in Sweden?
Read the Swedish Council for Higher Education's (UHR) information for Ukrainian citizens about studying in Sweden and getting educational qualifications assessed –