DRMCCA field-based internship course
The DRMCCA programme offers students the possibility to take an elective internship-based course of 15 ECTS credits during the third semester. The internship possibility is an important personal and professional experience, useful in future job-seeking activities. Learn more about possible hosts, destinations and internship experiences by clicking on the links below.
Internship hosts and destinations
The Master’s programme in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation has connections with potential hosts for internships within the UN system, the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement and governmental agencies on different administrative levels in various parts of the world.
See an interactive Google map showing where our students did internships in recent years
Internship experiences
Our students share their internship experiences and what they have learned from them. Read a selection of testimonials and letters by clicking the links below.
Testimonials about internship experiences
Our students are well prepared for an internship after the first year of study. We have gathered a number of quotes where students express how they have been able to use their knowledge and skills from the programme in the field.
Read testimonials about the field-based internship course
A letter from the field
Our student Stefanie wrote a letter about her internship experiences with community-based disaster risk reduction management during her time as an intern at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in the Philippines.
Read Stefanie's letter about her internship with IFRC in the Philippines
Where do DRMCCA students go for their internships?
See the interactive Google map.
Letter from the field
Read Stefanie's letter about her internship experiences with IFRC in the Philippines.