What Paulina says about the Bachelor's in Physics
Introducing Paulina
Hi! My name is Paulina, and I'm the student ambassador for the Bachelor's programme in Physics. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me (see below). Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, scholarships, or residence permits.
About the programme and the teaching style
How did you find out about Lund University and this programme? Why did you choose this programme? Why in Lund, Sweden?
"I found it on the website of Lund. I was interested in studying abroad and my plan was to go to England, but I couldn't go to England anymore since they left the EU. So my mom's friend actually suggested going to Sweden and then I found the Lund University website and I just looked through the programmes and saw that this was something I would to study!"
What is the best thing about your programme?
"I really like how small my class is, because we are only about 30 people. There is a track for Swedish students and a track for international students and we are merged in the second year. So far in the first year, it has been great that we have been such a small group and it has been an amazing learning environment. Another thing is the cosiness of the Physics building! It's not very crowded, there aren’t many people so I enjoy having classes there. I really enjoy how quiet and peaceful it is!"
Why should prospective students choose this programme?
"If they are interested in doing physics and they have fun with it, they should just do it! I think it gives you a great base to do a lot of things in the future. It is only not for those who want to be doing physics for their whole life. You can get great space work in mathematics and programming in physics and problem-solving and lab experience. So it's a great way to just jump-start your career in most STEM-related areas. It’s not just pure physics and could be good for someone who is looking for something broader!"
Have you been able to gain any practical experience during your studies so far?
"I haven't personally applied, but I know some of my classmates did. There are opportunities if you look for them. I know there are openings to help out in laboratories and with grown-up scientists."
What do you think of the teaching style?
"Oh, I love it! I come from a country with a lot of power distance, so for me, it has been a bit of a surprise that in Sweden there is way less power distance between us and teachers. We can joke and talk with them. I remember once talking for 20 minutes basically complaining to my teacher about random stuff and she was complaining back and we had such a great conversation! I think this helps create a great study environment because we can talk to teachers in a way that we are not afraid to ask questions. They always try to remember our names and just be kind."
Thoughts on being an international student at Lund, spare time and tips for prospective students
What it is like to be an international student at Lund University?
"I had a lot of opportunities to meet people every day, and they have been nothing but kind! I love everyday people in Lund and how excited they are that you are here! In general, there's a great international atmosphere in Lund. There is a lot of people to talk to and a lot of people from different cultures. I have learned so much. I thought I was already quite culturally aware, but coming here has completely changed me. I learned so much more and I think the university also encourages that international perspective that we meet and talk with each other, study together, and exchange tips since we have different styles coming from different countries."
What do you do in your spare time?
"I love reading books and when the summer or spring comes, I take walks – Lund is an amazing place for walks! Even in winter, I try to go on a walk a bit, connect, touch some grass, and see people connect back. I also love spending time with my friends, so we often go for a coffee."
Do you have any advice for other students that are considering coming to Lund?
"My advice would be to not be afraid! If you experience a cultural shock, take your own time to adjust, everything is going to be waiting here. So, if you want to join the activities later after you arrived when you are settled, it's also fine. Everyone will be welcoming so don't be afraid of missing out on things. Just take time for yourself and adjust to the change."
Have more questions for Paulina?
You can chat with her and other current students directly via Unibuddy by clicking the card below.
If you would like to know more about Paulina's class excursion to particle physics labs, check out her blog post you can also check out her blog post:
Visit particle physics laboratories with me!

"The best thing is that the teachers help you with a lot of things"
Zi Yao from Malaysia