What Michal says about the Master's in Development Studies
Michal from Poland
Can you share a little about your programme?
"I study the Master's in Development Studies programme here at Lund University. This is my first year, so I still have a year ahead of me. This programme teaches you how to provide development. We all might think we know how to develop countries, but in reality, we all have different contexts, perspectives and cultures. This programme is based around looking into those perspectives of how development can be provided."
Why did you choose this programme?
"I graduated in BA Spatial Development (2010–2013) and did an MA in Economic Geography of Developing Countries (2013-2015), both at Warsaw University, before coming for my second Master's degree to Lund. So, I did have some theoretical courses and aspects of development courses in my Bachelor’s studies, but solely from a geographical point of view. The Master’s programme at Lund has a much more multidisciplinary approach. After my graduation, I ended up working in business, in the private sector, and I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to study and work in development, so I looked for experienced countries in the field. Sweden has SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and I also found Lund University’s Development programme which seemed like a great fit."
What would you tell a prospective student about this programme?
"This programme really meets my expectations, especially because I was looking for something practical. I want to get a broad, theoretical perspective of how development should be provided, but this course also teaches methods. In Poland, we didn't have a strong methods component to our course. It’s challenging to have methods courses, but it’s also a great experience for the workforce. The second year is based around an internship and the Master’s thesis which I believe will help make me ready for the labour market.
What is the teaching style like?
We are very connected to our professors here at Lund. If I have an issue with a paper that I am writing, I can just email and ask a professor what I should do. I can work with my ideas, and they can recommend articles and studies. It's more like a partnership.
How international is your programme?
"We have thirty people in our programme now. Ten of them are from Sweden, ten are from around the EU and the last ten is from Africa, Asia and Latin America so it’s quite international."
What is it like being an international student in Lund?
"Well, there is a world of opportunities! It is easy to live in Lund without knowing Swedish as so many people speak English. However, I do encourage people to learn Swedish. It is easy to learn Swedish through different courses. And the student life here is huge! There are different associations, nations and student societies, all of which are focused on student life."
Do you have any advice for potential students?
"I would say: don’t get stressed about the things that are awaiting you here. I was worried about what I would do here at the university. Even if I had top grades in Poland, I was worried that I wouldn’t do well here. The level of the university is quite high, but everything here is manageable. You will get used to the amount of reading and discussions that are being asked of you. Don’t get stressed, but be well-informed. Practical things like getting your personal number and how to get your housing are much easier if you make sure to be informed about them in advance. Know the steps that are ahead."
What will you do after your studies at Lund?
"I would prefer to live in a bigger city. I will most likely go to Stockholm and work with a development agency there. I think it would be great to work with something in Development Studies for a while, then go back to Poland to help increase awareness about this field of study."
Has this programme set you up for a career in development?
"We have had lectures with people from different fields and different organisations which helps to create a wide network of opportunities. This programme is very well connected!"
"The programme went beyond my expectations"
Bénédicte's from Mauritius
"The programme gives you all the skills you will need"
Zenat from Ghana