Laboratory for Translational Image-Guided Radiotherapy
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
Section V
Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
Visiting address: Klinikgatan 7B, 222 42 Lund
The laboratory consists of a XenX x-ray irradiator (XStrahl) for experimental radiobiology, with supporting equipment for cell culture applications, such as laminar flow cabinets, CO2 incubators, and a hypoxia workstation.
The XenX unit is designed as a radiotherapy machine in miniature. It consists of a 225 kV x-ray source, mounted on a rotatable gantry allowing irradiation of specimens from all angles. The tube has two foci of different sizes, one larger for therapeutic applications and one smaller for imaging. By rotating the source and the imager around the specimen, cone-beam CT imaging can be performed, enabling accurate positioning of the treatment fields in experimental radiotherapy with orthotopic tumour models.
The laboratory is open for external users and collaborators. Services include mandatory training and start-up assistance, basic dosimetry, periodic service, quality control, and technical support. We can also provide expertise on beam configuration, dose planning, and image-guided treatment.