“jorden skalf, och skogen skalf, och brodermördaren skalf”. En ekokritisk analys av naturskildringar i Emilie Flygare-Carléns En natt vid Bullar-sjön
Summary, in English
Studies of the authorship of Emilie Flygare-Carlén (1807-1892) have previously emphasised a distinct way of relating to nature in her writing, but the strengthened position of gender studies in examinations of literary history has complicated this relationship. For this reason, this essay analyses portrayals of nature in the author’s novel En natt vid Bullar-sjön (1847), from ecocritical, deconstructive perspectives in general, and Timothy Morton’s “ecomimesis” in particular. Using perspectives on Nature as a discursive fantasy, the aesthetic of ecomimetic writing in the novel is shown to adhere to certain rhetoric aiming to conceal their own textual materiality, while simultaneously producing significant ideological implications for the novel’s current situation in intersectional, feminist study of literature.
- Comparative Literature
- Master's Programme: Literature - Culture - Media
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Student publication for Master's degree (two years)
- Languages and Literatures
- Flygare-Carlén
- Morton
- ecocritique
- ecocriticism
- deconstruction
- dekonstruktion
- ekokritik
- ecomimesis
- ekomimesis
- natur
- naturskildring
- estetik
- roman
- 1800-tal
- realism
- romantik
- Elisabeth Friis