Pandemics and alertness
A thematic collaboration initiative at Lund University

The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated how fast viruses can become a significant threat to global health. Through national and international collaboration, we can improve our readiness for future virus outbreaks.
Creating spaces where key people and experts can share knowledge is essential if we are to develop new and effective ways to combat future virus pandemics. The experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic and other major virus outbreaks underscores this point.
Exploring the complexity of pandemics
Pandemics and Alertness is an interdisciplinary platform that promotes collaboration in research, innovation, education and exchange of information. The platform brings together stakeholders, researchers and experts from different disciplines, public authorities and sectors of society to work together on specific virus-related topics. The aim is to improve our knowledge and understanding of how pandemics impact health, society, and the economy.
The research platform aims to:
- investigate how societies can prepare for a viral pandemic by mobilisation and initiatives to mitigate the rapid spread of viruses that pose a significant threat to public health
- contribute to the development of novel methods and techniques related to virus pandemics – including contact tracing, diagnostic tools and molecular epidemiology
- improve our understanding of what viruses look like, how they spread, and how they cause disease using both conventional methods and high-tech facilities such as MAX IV, and in the future, ESS
- evaluate initiatives and methods for the development of new antiviral drugs and prevention of virus pandemics
- spur greater interest in virology education
- promote the dissemination of knowledge and research on viral pandemics to the general public.
By bringing together knowledge and experience, the platform further aims to develop innovative solutions that can help the world respond and manage virus pandemics more effectively in the future.
External partners
The links go to other websites.
- Diagonal Bio AB
- European Spallation Source (ESS)
- European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH)
- European University Alliance for Global Health – Transformation through Joint Research and Innovation Action (EUGLOHRIA)
- Skåne County Administrative Board, Unit for Social Sustainability
- Mamta Health Institute for Mother and Child
- McMaster University, Global Nexus School for Pandemic Prevention & Response
- The Civil Society Network in Skåne (NÄTVERKET – Idéburen sektor Skåne)
- Protein Production Sweden (PPS)
- Red Glead Discovery AB
- Region Skåne
- SANTHE, Africa
- SARomics Biostructures AB
- School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University
- SciLifeLab
- Swedish Society for Virology
- Umeå University
- University College London – UCL School of Pharmacy
- University of Oxford
Contact information
Joakim Esbjörnsson
Senior lecturer, associate professor
Systems virology
Phone: +46(0)46 222 0119
Mobile: +46(0)70 399 3802
joakim [dot] esbjornsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (joakim[dot]esbjornsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Anette Agardh
Professor of Global health
Social medicine and Global health
Phone: +46(0)40 39 1338
Mobile: +46(0)70 833 7735
anette [dot] agardh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (anette[dot]agardh[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Pia Svensson
Associate Researcher
Social medicine and Global health
Mobile: +46(0)70 530 0581
pia [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se