What Jordan says about the Master's in Management
Jordan Stilley from the USA
What is the programme like?
“This programme is much different than my other academic experiences. In addition to lectures, papers, quizzes and one regular exam, there were workshops, team projects, a large group project, and even a business simulation. As a result, there was a wide variety of hands-on learning opportunities. The programme is very international with students from every populated continent. I didn't feel like anyone was left out or that people from the same country stuck together to the exclusion of others – we were all in it together! I think this was helped by a lot of group work early on where the groups changed every time. The main features that are unique to this programme are the large amount of challenging team-based assignments – so that you really have to learn how to work as a team – and the opportunities to reflect on and learn from your experiences. I have never experienced these learning opportunities in an academic setting before, but they are ones that provided some of the most valuable insights for my future career. I learned about how I manage and lead, including both my strengths and weaknesses. I also learned a lot from my classmates, from insights they provided during group discussions, and to reflect on what they saw in me. If I would describe the programme in five words, it would be: tough, challenging, intentional, rewarding and worthwhile.”
What are you planning to do after your time in Lund?
“I just started a job in Malmö as an engineering consultant, similar to my previous work. This will allow me to learn about the working culture here in Sweden – as compared to the US –learn the Swedish language and let me build a network in the region. However, down the road, I would like to move into a leadership role in a technology organisation, such as a team- or project manager.”
About Jordan
“I have a background in Aerospace Engineering and have several years of work experience. However, I began to realise that while engineering school prepared me well for the technical aspects of work, it did little to prepare for many parts of the job, such as teamwork, effective communication, making difficult decisions and interacting with customers and suppliers. I also learned that I really enjoy interacting with and helping the people I work with, and that I would like to work in management someday. When I saw the description of the Master’s in Management, it really resonated with what I saw lacking in my previous education and what I would need to prepare me for my future career goals.”
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"The programme has students from all over the world"
Stephanie from USA/Sweden