Shit-samma, jävla asshole och fucking fitta: en socio-pragmatisk studie av attityd till engelska svordomar och engelska svordomars förekomst i svenska
Summary, in English
The purpose of this BA thesis is to investigate the attitude young speakers of Swedish between the ages nineteen and twenty-eight have to English swearwords in Swedish, compared to Swedish swearwords in Swedish. Seven swearwords were included for each language, resulting in fourteen swearwords in total. The study is divided into i) a quantitative study and ii) a qualitative study, both using a questionnaire: the first part will investigate which swear words are considered to have the most negative charge, whilst in the second part the participants elaborate on what has been discussed in the questionnaire. The results show that young Swedish speakers perceive the Swedish swearwords as carrying a greater negative charge than the English swearwords. Swedish speakers use English and Swedish swear words in different context. English swearwords are associated with playful situations whereas Swedish swearwords are used in more serious situations.
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Document type
Student publication for Bachelor's degree
- Languages and Literatures
- sociolingvistik
- pragmatik
- svordomar
- engelska
- svenska
- pragmatiskt lån
- Victoria Johansson (Fil Dr)