"Likvärdigt, det vet i tusan om det går" : åtta svensklärares tankar om bedömning och betygsättning
Summary, in English
The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish teachers assess an individual student paper, the result of that assessment, and how they work with assessment in general during the school year in order to secure equivalent and reliable grading. To accomplish the aim for the study, eight Swedish teachers in upper secondary school were asked to grade a student paper written for the course Svenska 1. The teachers were then interviewed to explain their grading process but also to explain how they work in general with assessment during the school year. The result of this study shows a diversity in how the teachers have graded the student paper, that the teachers’ grading process are quite similar, and that they use the same parts of the knowledge requirements but different parts of the syllabus in their assessment. There is a common view on what knowledge could be evaluated from the assignment, but the teachers rate the different parts differently when they turn their analytical assessment into a grade. We also found that the instructions for the assignment affected their assessment. Additionally, there was a similarity in how the teachers collect material for grading and their view on collaboration with other Swedish teachers regarding assessment. How they document their assessment and to which extent they talk to their students about assessment and grading, differed.
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Student publication for Master's degree (two years)
- Languages and Literatures
- bedömning
- betygsättning
- bedömarvariation
- likvärdighet
- gymnasieskolan
- svenska språket
- Sanna Skärlund (Senior lecturer)