El que camina al lado: Las funciones del doble en Aura, “Las dos Elenas” y “La muñeca reina” de Carlos Fuentes
Summary, in English
This paper presents an investigation that revolves around the Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes through three literary texts: Aura (1962), "Las dos Elenas" (Song of the Blind: 1964) and "La muñeca reina" (Song of the Blind: 1964). The concept under study is the double, a well-established phenomenon in literature, which often appears as a motive or theme in literary works. This essay aims to shed light on the field of application of the double through the particular analysis of a Latin American author. This application turns out to be broad, as it can be presented with different meanings and functions, even within the same author. The conclusions affirm that the double plays an important role in the three texts studied, but it can be explicit (the double is noticed by both the characters and the reader) or implicit (the double must be interpreted by the reader). The double can be explained by the obsession of desiring an idealised self-image as in Aura, it can reflect two opposing forces as in "The Two Elenas", or it can contribute to a sinister feeling as in "The Queen Doll".
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Student publication for Bachelor's degree
- Languages and Literatures
- El doble
- doppelgänger
- Carlos Fuentes
- el boom
- el narcisismo
- lo opuesto
- lo siniestro.
- Eugenia Arria